Recently, I asked a good friend of mine to help make a new simplified logo for me. The final product is what you see top left of the page or top if you're reading this on mobile. I came to my friend, Colin, since I knew he was a more graphically inclined person than myself. Feel free to go check out his work here:
Once the logo was finished, I wanted to include it on a "maker coin" I designed. A maker coin in the hobbiest world is a simple unique "coin" you make to show off your logo, or basic design capabilities to interested customers. You can also use it as a token of thanks. For mine, I decided to make it multi-colored since a lot of what I do involves multi-colored objects.

Pointing out a few of the details in this print:
The 3 is completely flat to the main part of the coin.
The D is actually a hole all the way through with a black outline inside of the hole.
The G is raised above the main part of the coin.
Added bonus fact my mom pointed out is if you turn it around and look at the back sideways, the hole from the D looks like a smiley face. The back is completely white so all you see is the holes.
Fast forward a couple months, I had the idea to make a bigger version of my logo to display at shows I go to. The idea is to line the inside with a light strip and have it look like those back lit signs you see at malls. So far, the only step I've gotten to is printing out the pieces for it. I'll for sure update this when it's completed. I used my maker coin, about 2 inches in diameter, as a reference in this photo.
